Acosta is a brand of handbags and leather goods that is a living and expression of the "Made in Spain" concept. Since the design the manufacture and even the shareholders of the company are the same, the brand breathes tradition, quality craftsmanship and is typically Spanish, dating from 1,942. The importance of the leather is the hallmark, and is present throughout the collection and is present in bags and small leather goods, not forgetting other accessories for women such as clothes, shoes and belts. The origin of the fine leather used by Acosta is always top quality, thanks to direct access to the best national and European tanneries. Craftsmanship is another exclusive note in the Acosta personality. Each product is made by hand. Skilled craftsmen working for the brand, some for generations, choose the skins and taking care with the details of every element that makes up the bag.
Acosta, Bags
- Calle de Claudio Coello, 46, 28001 Madrid
- 914 35 76 57
- M-S 10:30 - 20:30