Watch a Flamenco Dance in Madrid

 Watch a Flamenco Dance in Madrid
02 Dec, 2016

Visitors usually want to see three things ,that is football, bullfighting, and Flamingo dance,when going to Spain.

Visitors usually want to see three things ,that is football, bullfighting, and Flamingo dance,when going to Spain.

As the most popular pop dance in the world today, Flamenco Dance attracts people from all over the world with the inner strength embodied in her beautiful steps and movements.

Traditional Flamenco shows usually include a male dancer and a female one, a singer and guitarist. After the performance began, the dancers accompanied by the singer and the guitarist  began to contagious,and more importantly, impromptu performing. With the rhythm of the music changes, the performance of the dancers also will be sad, joy, as if the souls are showed deeply.Flamenco dance interpretation of the Gypsy culture and the Spanish Andalusian folk culture combination.

Watching a passionate flamenco dance performance  in a wonderful night will be a unique experience. At the same time, flamenco dance may show a beautiful and rebellious soul, which will give you another reason to like this country.


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