Shopping in Madrid

Shopping in Madrid
26 Nov, 2016

Black Friday is coming,do you even desire to go shopping though you are in debt? If you want to go shopping in Madrid, then there are four important shopping areas you can not miss,including Chueca, Centro and Plaza de Cascorro.

 Black Friday is coming,do you even desire to go shopping though you are in debt? If you want to go shopping in Madrid, then there are four important shopping areas you can not miss,including Chueca, Centro and Plaza de Cascorro.

Chueca District is the trendsetter in the street.In those narrow, Bohemian-style streets, you not only buy beautiful leather goods, shoes, cosmetics and the latest CDs, books, etc., but also can make the most fashionable tattoo.
There are countless shops specializing in the sale of traditional handicrafts, porcelain, gold and silver jewelry, leather goods, guitars and a variety of musical instruments, francis, and a variety of musical instruments in the area, namely, Plaza Mayor, the Puerta del Sol and the surrounding area. 
If you want to find good value for money, you can go to Rastro, near Plaza de Cascorro, which runs from 9:00 to 14:00 every weekend and holiday. La Ribera de Curtidores to la Ronda de Toledo. You will find a lot of unexpected good things here, antiques, records, paintings, jewelry, clothes, furniture, money and so on all-encompassing.
In addition, there is a small Tip to help you save money. As a non-EU citizen, if you spend more than 90.15 euros on shopping ,then present a passport or ID card and you can request a refund of value-added tax .

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