Madrid dressed up for Christmas



The real protagonist of Madrid during Christmas are the lights and decoration in all of the most important streets and avenuesin the city, and each year creative artists, architects and designers are asked to create new and amazing displays.


There are so many things that make Madrid a famous city, that it would be hard to stick with only one thing. But if there is something Madrid is well-known for, that is how they celebrate Christmas, and how they decorate the city during December.

Coming to Madrid in December is one of the best things you can do, as you will be able to buy clothes and accessories by all the best brands and designers, and experience one of the most beautiful Christmas lights spectacles in the entire world.

Spend a Christmas in Madrid, and tale part in all the beautiful traditions los Madrileños do in December 24, Noche Vieja (the evening of December 31) and Día de Reyes (Three Kings’ Day).

The Christmas lights in Madrid

The real protagonist of Madrid during Christmas are the lights and decoration in all of the most important streets and avenuesin the city, and each year creative artists, architects and designers are asked to create new and amazing displays.

As Spain and the rest of the European Union have been working on improve their consumption of energy and the efficiency of it, each year, more streets in Madrid get illuminated with the beautiful lights while at the same time consuming less energy.

On November 22, the lights was inaugurated. The City Council has confirmed the schedules from November 22 to January 6, when the Three Kings bring their Christmas gifts to every Spanish children.

More Christmas traditions in Madrid

While you take a walk to see the beautiful lights that embellish Madrid, you can take part in many of the funny and beautiful traditions that Madrileños celebrate during Christmas time.

Eating churros con chocolate caliente at Chocolatería San Ginés is one delicious tradition you will probably want to try. The queue is often huge during Christmas, but it is definitely worth it.

Going to a mercadillo or Christmas market, especially the one at Plaza Mayor, but there are many others, is also a great way to find gifts, souvenirs and nice things to complement your luxury shopping at the Golden Mile.

Or become a millionaire! By buying a ticket of the Christmas lottery at Doña Manolita. A tradition that even those who don’t buy lottery the rest of the year, even if just for the laughs, or the surprisingly big jackpot.

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