Real Madrid
13 Dec, 2017

Here is the paradise of soccer fans.

  The name of Real Madrid is never strange to real soccer fans. It owns many globally super soccer stars and is regarded as the greatest soccer club of the 20th century. The white symbol of Real Madrid plays a special role in to all soccer fans around the globe, and Estadio Sandiago Bernabeu is the holy land of soccer fans.

Estadio Sandiago Bernabeu is located in Madrid of Spain, the home court of Real Madrid. Even the one who has no interest in soccer will be attracted by Bernabeu. Madrid owns not only a splendid civilization but amazing sporting culture. The mixture of still and dynamic influences the character of Bernabeu and attracts the tourists around the world.

  The tickets are very hard to get during the game seasons of La Liga, UEFA Champions League and the Spanish Kings Cup, which last from August to May of the next year. If you want to watch a game, book the ticket as early as possible. The filed, the locker rooms, Press Conference Room and other spaces are all open to visitors during the non game seasons. The high tech products here are also very worth checking if you come here.

Here is the paradise of soccer fans.



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